
90 Days Later

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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You don’t have to be the “life of the party” to enjoy yourself

Hey Reader I had a conversation with a client yesterday that reminded me of something I get asked about a lot. She’s gearing up for a weekend getaway with friends—one they do every year. It’s the classic fun escape: fancy hotel, great company, and a lot of drinking. Her friends expect it, and, truth be told, she’s always been the one leading the charge—being the life of the party, the loud one, the person everyone counts on to get the fun going. But this time, as we were talking, something...

Hey Reader Drinking to help with social anxiety is incredibly common, but doesn't have to feel like a life sentence By making small adjustments in your language and approach, you can stop fearing social events, strengthen your resilience and actually have a good time without drinking.Here are five phrases to avoid and what to say instead to help you grow in confidence and be social without worrying what other people think of you:❌ “This would be more fun with a drink.”✅ “What else is fun...

Hey ReaderQuestion: What’s the secret to having the relationship with alcohol that lets you do what you want and go where you want without worrying if there will be wine available?Answer: Deciding.Of course, there’s a lot of strategy and work that comes after deciding — but this is STEP ONE and sooo foundational and important to your success!The people who haven’t decided that their success is a done deal are the people who never make it out of the gate. I see this again and again.They rely...

Reader "It's hard to get enough of something that only works for a little while." I remember when I first heard someone say that. My next thought? This captures why we fall into the trap of drinking too much.Because alcohol only works for a little while. Sooner or later the buzz wears off. So we drink more.And the more we drink, the more we develop a tolerance for it.Then alcohol REALLY only works for a little while because we need more of it to achieve the same effect. 😫 For me it was about...

Hey ReaderI find it super motivating to ask myself "where could I be..." questions.This has helped me overcome my doubts and fears.When I was figuring out (for the last time) how to drink less, it didn't take me long to realise that thinking:"What if I don't succeed...?"... always ended in my finding 1000's of reasons why I wasn't going to succeed.It dawned on me I needed to ask better questions if I wanted any hope of finding better answers. So, I replaced "what if I don't succeed" with...⇒...

Reader We’ve all done it. Gone against our drink plan, gone with the flow or decided to drink whatever we feel like and to hell with the consequences. I talk a lot about intention and planning and being willing to take action. But what happens after an overdrink is THE most important time. Because it feels the hardest. Because it’s when all the difficult emotions come out. And because it's when we see how the pattern is unfolding for us in such clarity. The good news is that this is when we...

Hey Reader If you think drinking too much is your ‘Achilles heel,’ THE ONE LAST THING you have to sort out, You may want to look away now. Because today I’m dispelling a myth. The myth that when you’ve figured this out your life will be brilliant. That everything will fall into place. Finally. What!? You might be thinking. But Anna you’re meant to sell me on how my life will change when I’m not glugging my way through half a bottle of Chardonnay each night. YES SO MUCH IN YOUR LIFE WILL BE...

Hey Reader I'm playing with a new way to get my clients faster results than ever before, and I want to test-drive it with just a few beta clients who... Know what you need to do but you're JUST NOT DOING IT or Don't know why you drink so much when you REALLY WANT TO DRINK LESS. Is that you? If so, want to be one of my beta testers? I'm offering an hour of 1:1 coaching with me on this topic for £11.10. Yep. Just £11.10. Sign up here. This is only available for the next 2 weeks. I'm throwing my...

Reader You have stacks of great reasons to cut back. You’ve listened to the podcasts. Downloaded the free guides. Read the quit lit books. Yet still you overdo it. Not every day at least, but too often for comfort. You’re never completely certain what’s going to happen. Whether you’ll stick to your drinking goals tonight. Or not. Trust in yourself is low. And doubt is high. You stop believing. So you stop trying. Stop making active choices. Stop being accountable. And stop doing the things...

Reader It is no accident that when I overhauled my drinking I lost 24 pounds in a matter of months. For too long a couple of glasses had turned into finishing the entire bottle. Soon enough I was drinking a few bottles of week. And pouring a glass of wine became part of dinner prep. Not only is booze loaded with calories, but when I drank I snacked more. A few nibbles before dinner became a packet or two of breadsticks. Worst of all the wine left me feeling tired and lethargic. But when I...